About the Founder
I'm Elizabeth Blake-Thomas, award-winning author, Creativity Coach and founder of "Medicine with Words".
I created Medicine with Words as a way to help more people live their purpose with intention and unlock their potential by decluttering their brains.

Having published three books, travelled the world, been a professor at Pepperdine University, created a podcast, founded a non-profit, and directed and produced 24 films, Blake-Thomas settled in the world of Creativity Coaching. She began her practice over 20 years ago but up until 2016, she only took on select clients. Known for her directing in both theater and film, Blake-Thomas uses her creativity in her current work.

Blake-Thomas runs her practice by teaching practical tools to help live your life with intention. Her tools, based on psychological studies of trauma healing and childhood development, are condensed down into easy-to-do tasks. By using these tools, her students are able to discover their purpose, unlock their potential and learn to live intentionally by decluttering their brains.

"There’s real power in stopping and checking in with yourself. Do you ever have periods in your work or home life where it feels like a blur, you can never quite get control of things, life moves at such a fast pace? We forget to breathe and be present. I utilize mindful and practical tools through play, writing and drawing exercises to ensure we can all stop for a moment, find our clarity, redefine our purpose and live with more intention." - Elizabeth Blake-Thomas